The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is strongly committed to ensuring the resiliency of our region’s water resources and ecosystems now and for future generations.
DID YOU KNOW: The SFWMD is continuously assessing the status of its flood control infrastructure and advancing adaptation strategies necessary to providing primary flood protection throughout the region?
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: Every day, our team of scientists, engineers, and many other staff are working to address the impacts of sea level rise, rainfall and flood patterns, and other changing conditions on our water resources and infrastructure.
The SFWMD continues to assess scientific data, implement comprehensive resiliency projects, and make significant infrastructure adaptation investments to enhance the management of water resources across Southern and Central Florida.
DATA-DRIVEN INITIATIVES: Ensuring the resiliency of South Florida’s water resources is a key component of the SFWMD’s mission. Ongoing resiliency efforts include:
- Water and Climate Resilience Metrics: These science-based metrics track and document trends in water and climate data to help guide the SFWMD’s resiliency planning.
- Assessing Infrastructure Needs: The SFWMD is working to advance tools, techniques, and models to support local and regional infrastructure assessments and adaptation planning.
- SFWMD Sea Level Rise and Flood Resiliency Plan: The plan, updated annually, is an SFWMD initiative to compile a comprehensive list of priority resiliency projects with the goal of reducing the risks of flooding, sea level rise, and other climate impacts on water resources.
- Implementing Resiliency Projects: Executing projects that enhance infrastructure to meet current and future conditions, improve storage and conveyance capacity, increase operational flexibility, and enhance coastal wetlands and other ecosystems, along with piloting innovative technologies that protect water resources.
LEADING THE WAY: The SFWMD continues to be at the forefront of resiliency planning and actively collaborates with stakeholders, local governments, and experts to develop strategies and project plans that ensure our infrastructure can effectively adapt to changing conditions.
JOIN THE DISCUSSION: The SFWMD will host a Resiliency Coordination Forum on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 to promote collaboration on water management and resiliency initiatives with local, state, federal and tribal partners. The meeting will be held at SFWMD’s Headquarters, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406. Participants can attend in-person or join via Zoom.
We encourage you to visit SFWMD.gov/Resiliency to learn more about the SFWMD’s resiliency initiatives.