How You Can Conserve Water
Water is a shared resource that interconnects the environment, economy and our quality of life in South Florida. Just as abundant water gives vitality to the region, a lack of water strains natural resources, stifles economic growth and periodically disrupts our daily routines. As Florida's population increases, so does the need for all residents to conserve.
Saving water is easy and economical. Here are many ways to conserve water both inside and outside your home.
Save water, save money, by fixing leaks
Fix leaks as soon as possible. Begin with an indoor audit. Do dye tablet or food coloring tests in toilets to check for hidden leaks. Be sure to flush the coloring after 10-15 minutes to prevent staining. Outdoors, check for broken or misaligned sprinkler heads. Get step-by-step instructions for repairing leaks.
Leaks – from toilets or faucets or irrigation systems – can result in increases in your water bill and damage to your home, as well as thousands of wasted gallons of water. A single leaky faucet can waste 100 gallons in a day!
Faucets typically leak because of old gaskets, washers or O-rings and corroded valve sea ts. Today, most faucets can be categorized as "washerless" (port-type faucets) or compression (washer). Note: A washerless faucet does not mean it will never leak! Rather, the parts will last longer since their design minimizes friction and wear. When repairing this type of faucet or requesting service on one, it is vital that you know the brand name or have a sample of the part you require.
- Step-by-step directions for fixing leaky faucets
- Step-by-step directions for fixing leaky toilets
- More water-saving activities in and around your home
EPA WaterSense
The South Florida Water Management District is partnering with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to bring to you WaterSense, a national program that offers a simple way to choose appliances and other products that use less water – and perform as well or better than your
Do you need professionally written and designed publications to share with neighbors, your family or guests? Here is a collection of fact sheets and brochures that you can easily download and print for your own use.
- Conservation Publications
- Water Wisely: Water Conservation Starts in Your Backyard - Presentation for homeowners/community groups [PPT]; Print format [PDF]
Compute Your Water Use... And See How Much You Can Save
Ever wonder how much water you and your family use in a typical day? The Water Conservation Calculator will add it up for you and show you how much you could save with more efficient fixtures and appliances. more
Florida-Friendly Landscaping: Tips for the Home Gardener
Did you know that many households use as much as half of their total water consumption on irrigation? Here are some ways you can become yard smart by saving water outdoors. more
Become a Florida Water Star
Florida Water Star is a voluntary, points-based certification program that recognizes and encourages water use efficiency in single-family homes. Florida Water Star certification means your property meets fundamental criteria for efficiently using water in residential irrigation, landscape design and indoor water-using fixtures and appliances.
The program is supported by the South Florida Water Management District and administered by Triconic, LLC. In addition to improving water efficiency in existing homes, Florida Water Star can be effectively integrated into residential construction projects along with other green certification programs – such as ENERGY STAR®, the Florida Green Building Coalition's green standards and the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program. When compared to many other green building certifications, Florida Water Star is noticeably more detailed and relevant to Florida's unique conditions. It can therefore further enhance the effectiveness of other certification programs in South Florida.
- Florida Water Star Program
- Florida Water Star Residential Criteria
- Florida Water Star Commercial/Institutional Criteria
- Florida Water Star Community Criteria
- Florida Water Star Accredited Professionals
- Florida Water Star Builders
- Florida Water Star Certifiers
Florida Water Star certifiers are available to evaluate your property and help you earn your Florida Water Star plaque today.
With your help, fostering a strong ethic of conservation will protect South Florida's limited water resources. Conservation helps to ensure a more sustainable water supply for natural systems and Floridians today and for generations to come.
Ideas for Condo and Homeowner Associations
Are you on the Board of Directors for your condominium or homeowners association? Here are guidelines and suggestions for making sure that your neighborhood is helping to conserve water.
- Don't clean sidewalks and driveways with water. A hose can use 25 gallons in just 5 minutes. Remember: A broom is best.
- Check for leaks. Note the number of outdoor faucets on the outsides of buildings. Make a list and check all of them regularly.
- Cover pools when not in use. A pool cover can cut losses to evaporation by 70% or more!
- Replace toilets with Ultra Low-Flush Models, or retrofit with low-flow flappers. Retrofit faucets with aerators, or consider alternative faucet types such as self-closing or automatic sensor-controlled faucets. Many county and city water utilities offer rebates.
- Replace showerheads with low-flow models.
- Check for leaks! Do dye tablet or food coloring tests in toilets to check for hidden leaks. Be sure to flush the coloring after 10-15 minutes to prevent staining. Check for dripping faucets indoors and out.
- Efficient washing machines can save up to 20 gallons per load. These also save on energy. If you are replacing laundry appliances, don't even consider anything but the new horizontal axis models. These not only save up to 40% of water used, they deliver even more substantial energy savings – up to 65%!